This will be set up like: Period-Event
Cambrian-Invertebrate sea life proliferating during this and the following period
Ordovician-Diverse marine life, including vertebrates; vascular plants
Silurian-Coral reefs; giant scorpions; first jawed fish
Devonian-Numerous fishes, other sea life; many plants, first trees; wingless insects
Carboniferous-Maximum coal formation in swampy forests; insects, amphibians, reptiles; fishes, clams, crustaceans
Permian-Large reptiles, amphibians; most species become extinct
Triassic-Early dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles; first mammals
Jurassic-Many seagoing reptiles; early large dinosaurs; later, flying reptiles (pterosaurs), earliest known birds
Cretaceous-Dinosaurs and other reptiles dominate; seed-bearing plants appear
Paleogene-Rich insect fauna, early bats, increasingly diverse varieties of mammals and birds
Neogene-Further development of mammals and birds. Various forms of humans, including Homo sapiens
Hope this helps!
Can you list 8 different periods of the earth?
I need help with my portfolio.
2 answers
Thank you, :) It does help.