Can you help with this question?
As a caregiver of an infant, meaningful
communication between you and the parent, gently introducing new parenting
techniques, can sometimes be done
lightly by which?
A. "talking through the baby."
B. waiting until the mother is present
before discipling a baby for
inappropriate behaviors.
C. supporting the attachment process.
D. keeping a written record of daily
occurences such as feedings, naps,
diaper changes, and activities.
I know the correct answer is not
(B) nor (D).
Would the correct answer be:
(A) "talking through the baby?"
Thank you very much!!!
Of the two, I think C makes the most sense. Talking through the baby sounds silly.... Think how you would feel as a mom, if the nanny said in a baby's , "Mommy, pick me up."
Which would be the best answer, A or C?
I agree with GuruBlue -- A is a silly answer. If my child-care lady had spoken to me like that when my daughter was a toddler, I'd've found a different lady!
I guess it's C, since B is ridiculous, and D (while helpful to some extent) is probably not going to be read much once mom gets back home with her child.
I hope this helps.
C is the best answer. The kid has to believe the caregiver will "care" for him, therefore, attachment is essential. Kids and monkeys are not that complicated: What they attach to has to assume the mommy role.