Can you help with this:

An 8th grade class wen to to Disney World. Out of the 181 students who went to the park, 68 visited Epcot. There were a total of 127 students who visited magic kingdom and 50 of those also visited epcot. construct a two-way table to display the information.

I used Column headings: Visit Epcot, Not Visit Epcot, Total

I used Row headings: Visit MK, Not Visit MK, Total

Visit Not Visit Tot
Epcot Epcot
Visit MK 50 77 127
Not Visit MK 18 36 54
Total 68 113 181

50 = visited epcot & MK
18 = visited epcot but not MK
68 = total for epcot

77 = visited MK, but not visited epcot
36 = visited neither
113 = total not visited epcot

127 = visited MK
54 = not visit MK

181 = total students

2 answers

we previously called these Venn diagrams, not 2 way.
My venn diagram show the same numbers.