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can you help with finding grammar and punctuation error in this paragraph:
When plenty of people think of racism in America to date their mind tends to go back to slavery. The idea that numerous people don't consider is that slavery could have existed in America before racism did, and there is a tremendous amount of evidence supporting both sides of this issue. According to the evidence for both sides of this argument, it is undeniable that slavery predates racism in America and is the genesis of racism in America, not vice versa. It can be assume slavery is always connected to racism. Somehow, it’s strange to visualize that one would enslave another without being racist towards them. However, that is not true, when you dig deeper farmers in America had laborers called indentured servants.
5 answers
So how would I fix passive voice misuse or change from passive to active
This is active:
~~> Jake ate the sandwich. (subject is DOING the action)
This is passive:
~~> The sandwich was eaten by Jake. (subject is receiving the action)
One of the things to try is NOT to use any form of the verb "to be" with other verbs in a sentence. It's not foolproof, but it's a good way to avoid passives.
~~> Jake ate the sandwich. (subject is DOING the action)
This is passive:
~~> The sandwich was eaten by Jake. (subject is receiving the action)
One of the things to try is NOT to use any form of the verb "to be" with other verbs in a sentence. It's not foolproof, but it's a good way to avoid passives.
Thank you
You're welcome.
I think you should study and use commas correctly, too. Here's a good website to show you where commas should go:
I think you should study and use commas correctly, too. Here's a good website to show you where commas should go: