can you help me with this?

For your argumentative essay assignment, you will start by choosing a topic from the list below.
Each topic is designed to provoke discussion and debate, presenting various viewpoints or
positions on an issue. Although you will discuss the counterclaim, you’ll need to take a strong
stance on one of these topics and argue it in your essay, aiming to persuade your reader to adopt
your perspective.
Each topic includes two specific sources that you must use in your essay. Additionally, you will
conduct your own research to find at least two more credible sources that relate to your chosen
The topic you select will be what you use for every step in this assignment process—outline, first
draft, final draft. Choose carefully.
The topic I chose is Working from Home:
• Prompt: Is Working from Home a Sustainable Model for the Future?
This essay will argue whether working from home can be a long-term way of
working for businesses, considering factors like productivity, work-life
balance, communication, and its impact on company culture and employee
• Must incorporate these two sources:
"Manage Your Work, Manage Your Life”
“When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work”

Argumentative Essay (Outline) Assignment Instructions
For this assignment you are not required to write a complete draft of your Argument Essay. Instead, you
are to select a topic for your Argument Essay and write a detailed outline of your essay based on the
model below.
Argument Essay Prompts
In this assignment choose a specific issue in which two credible parties have documented the following:
• Clearly opposing positions, and
• Clear agendas.
Choose the position you agree with and argue that position using:
• Three separate lines of reasoning to support your position
• Research to support each line of reasoning (example, testimony, and fact/data, or any
combination) that supports your position
• Research about the opposing position’s views
• Presentation of the opposing views, along with lines of reasoning to refute them

The topic i have chosen is Working from home: Prompt: Is working from home a sustainable Model for the Future?
can you make a outline for my topic that has this:

Title: Is it Ethical to Euthanize Stray Animals?
1 Introduction
A. Issue Statement: Euthanizing or the practice of killing an animal is very common. It is a painless procedure where a veterinarian puts an animal to sleep.
B. Even though it may seem inhuman, euthanizing stray animals is ethical as a last resort.
C. Two-part thesis: I believe that euthanizing a stray animal is ethical because it takes away the pain from terminal illnesses, reduces overpopulation, and solves aggressive or behavioral problems.
2 Opponent Claim #1
A. Topic Sentence: Some who oppose euthanizing animals believe that pet owners may just want to put down pets when they become a burden instead of just when they are really sick.
B. Outside Source: “Vets often grapple with the moral dilemma of when a client wants to kill an inconvenient pet. Clients might, for instance, hint that caring for the pet has become too much trouble, or that it interferes with their lifestyle or living situation. This is called ‘convenience euthanasia’” (Coghlan, 2019, para 1).
3 Opponent Claim #2
C. Topic Sentence: Other opponents of euthanizing pets claim that this practice puts too much stress and responsibility on veterinarians.
D. Outside Source: “[V]eterinarians continue to experience extensive stress as they experience two opposite – but equally trying – dilemmas: ending an animal’s life too soon, or waiting too long” (Rollin, 2015, para 14).
4 Thesis support #1
A. Topic Sentence: Euthanizing an animal terminates their suffering.
B. There might be no cure for a certain disease and will be faced with suffering and pain in some cases.
C. At the senior stage, animals lose mobility and become debilitated.
D. Outside source: According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), "...when treating a companion animal that is suffering severely at the end of life, ... the loss of life ... to the animal is not relatively worse compared with a continued existence that is filled with prolonged illness, suffering, and duress" (2020, p.6).
5 Thesis support #2
A. Topic Sentence: It controls the overpopulation of dogs or cats.
B. The consequence of irresponsible owners and the natural sense of mating is a surplus where species end up on the streets or shelters.
C. Without this method, the streets would be full of dogs and cats. Shelters would be packed and wouldn’t have any space available for anymore animals. All of this occurring while more animals are born every minute.
Sometimes, euthanizing is the best option for their health.
D. Outside Source: “Even in shelters, 2 out of 3 animals entering a shelter won’t have a chance to be adopted and have to be euthanized” (Pacheco & Coello, 2011, para 2).
6 Thesis support #3
A. Topic Sentence: Some animals have behavioral issues that affect our society.

B. If a dog or another animal becomes aggressive and there is no way back to improve his health then, it would be better to put down the animal.
This is for the best so nobody suffers.
C. If the animal continues to cause harm, eventually someone will cause him/her a torturous and painful death.
D. Outside Source: In her webpage, Nancy Tanner gives her criteria when an problematic animal should be euthanized. She believes that an animal should be killed when the aggressive animal harms a person, a dog, or place more than once, is antisocial to humans and other animals, and has become untrainable (2015, para. 22).
7 Conclusion
A. Putting down an animal is a humane action as the final solution.
B. It reduces the population of animals roaming around the streets starving. It creates less suffering for the pet and the owner during deathly illnesses. Euthanizing also prevents people from danger from chaotic animals.
C. However, it is easy to understand that not animals need to be put down. Some stray animals that are able to find homes shouldn't always be put down.
D. The morality of killing an innocent animal isn’t correct because there are other methods of decreasing the population but we can’t have many animals roaming around, causing harm or carrying diseases.

For your argumentative essay assignment, you will start by choosing a topic from the list below.
Each topic is designed to provoke discussion and debate, presenting various viewpoints or
positions on an issue. Although you will discuss the counterclaim, you’ll need to take a strong
stance on one of these topics and argue it in your essay, aiming to persuade your reader to adopt
your perspective.
Each topic includes two specific sources that you must use in your essay. Additionally, you will
conduct your own research to find at least two more credible sources that relate to your chosen

1 answer

Here's a detailed outline for your argumentative essay on “Is Working from Home a Sustainable Model for the Future?” Following the structure you've provided for the euthanasia topic, I've adapted it to your chosen topic while incorporating a strong thesis and supporting elements.

Title: Is Working from Home a Sustainable Model for the Future?

  1. Introduction A. Issue Statement: The shift towards remote work has gained traction due to technological advancements and changing work culture, raising questions about its viability as a long-term model. B. Position Statement: While working from home comes with challenges, it presents significant advantages, making it an ethical and sustainable method for businesses and employees moving forward. C. Two-part Thesis: I believe that working from home is a sustainable model for the future because it enhances employee productivity, improves work-life balance, and fosters a healthier company culture.

  2. Opponent Claim #1 A. Topic Sentence: Some opponents argue that working from home reduces communication and collaboration among team members, hampering overall productivity. B. Outside Source: “When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work” discusses how the lack of face-to-face interactions can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of isolation among employees (Smith, 2022).

  3. Opponent Claim #2 A. Topic Sentence: Critics also contend that remote work blurs the lines between professional and personal life, leading to burnout and decreased employee morale. B. Outside Source: “Manage Your Work, Manage Your Life” emphasizes the struggle to maintain boundaries, which can cause stress and reduce job satisfaction over time (Johnson, 2021).

  4. Thesis Support #1 A. Topic Sentence: Working from home has been shown to increase productivity among numerous employees. B. Supporting Detail: Studies indicate that remote employees often achieve better results due to fewer distractions and a personalized work environment. C. Supporting Detail: Remote work allows for flexible scheduling, enabling employees to work during their peak productivity hours. D. Outside Source: According to a study by Stanford University, remote workers demonstrated a 13% performance increase compared to their in-office counterparts (Bloom et al., 2015).

  5. Thesis Support #2 A. Topic Sentence: The ability to work from home significantly improves employees' work-life balance. B. Supporting Detail: Remote work eliminates commute times, allowing employees to allocate time towards family, hobbies, or self-care. C. Supporting Detail: Flexible hours enable better management of personal responsibilities, resulting in increased job satisfaction. D. Outside Source: A survey by Buffer found that 32% of remote workers cite work-life balance as their main benefit of remote work (Buffer, 2021).

  6. Thesis Support #3 A. Topic Sentence: Working from home can contribute positively to company culture and employee well-being. B. Supporting Detail: Companies that offer remote work options tend to have higher employee retention rates due to increased satisfaction and lower turnover. C. Supporting Detail: A remote work environment encourages inclusivity, as it allows people from diverse backgrounds to contribute without geographical limitations. D. Outside Source: The Harvard Business Review cites that organizations with flexible work models attract a more diverse workforce and foster a culture of trust and autonomy (Gartenberg, 2022).

  7. Conclusion A. Restatement of Position: Working from home is not only a viable option but a desirable one that benefits both employees and employers. B. Summary of key points: It enhances productivity, promotes a healthier work-life balance, and strengthens company culture. C. Acknowledgment of concerns: It is important to recognize the potential downsides, such as communication barriers and burnout, but solutions like regular check-ins and mental health support can mitigate these risks. D. Final Thought: As we move forward, adopting a hybrid model that embraces the advantages of remote work while addressing its challenges might be the best path for companies aiming for sustainable success.

This outline provides a structured approach to your argumentative essay, incorporating your chosen topic and the required elements. Be sure to research and provide more credible sources to support each point, especially where noted in the outline.