Can you help me with the sentence check 2 Chapter 17 and 18 in the improving vocabulary skill workbook?

13 answers

Nope. We don't have your workbook -- or any other text books.

If you post some of the sentences and your word choices, along with your answers, we'll be glad to help you then.
word choices: congenial, prone, flippant,rapport, impasse, rationale, perception, relentless, prompt, reprisal

1.Because Wade is so congenial and easy to talk to, we established a warm rapport the first day we met.

2. Although the company president explained rationale behind the pay cuts, his announcement prompted an employee protest. However, once it was learned that the president was also taking a big pay cut, the employees' dissent died down.

The waitresses in our local diner are flippant to be funny and not always polite. If a customer says, "I'm ready to order now," he may get a impasse respone such as, "And I'm ready to retire, but you don't hear me making a big deal about it."

4. My perception of the situation is that talks between the factory management and union officials reached a(n) prone because neither side would compromise on salary increase and health benefits. In such situations, flexibility is a prerequisite to progress.

5. Alma could put up with occasional kidding, but her brother's teasing was often relentless, going on for weeks at a time. Sick of it all she finally planned a reprisal that would embarrass him in front of his friends.
Sentences 1 & 2 & 5 read fine. Sentences 3 & 4 don't.
3.impasse, flippant

4. prone, perception
Is question 3 and 4 correct
In questions 3 and 4 would the correct answer be:
3 prone , flippant

4. perception, impasse
Do you plan a(n) , vowing to sabotage their summer plans because they've ruined yours?
Lisa what chapters u need im doing 5e improving vocabulary im already on chapter 27 ill be more than happy to help
I need help with sentence check 2 and the final check on chapter 17
vocabulary words: exhort, flamboyant, foible. innocuous, magnanimous, masochist, meticulous, rancor, recrimination, repugnant
-Please and thank you!
I need help on chapter 18 for sentence check 2 and Final check
The text of a play is often greatly
formed between the time the manu
is first written and the first live performance is given. When an author actually hears the dialogue spoken, he or she is liable to see many ways to improve the lines.
I need help with chapter 17 sentence check 2 and with final check