Can you help me differentiate Traditional Instruction and IT-Integrated Instruction?

Please help...

1 answer

Traditional instruction:
* teacher instruction (sometimes lectures)
* students listen and practice the newly taught skill
* students practice new skill in the form of homework
* paper and pen/pencil quizzes, tests, exams
* primary sources of content are teachers and textbooks
* labs for hands-on learning and practice of new knowledge and skills
* etc.

All of the above but with technology included --
* computers, sometimes including a laptop for each student and teacher
* LCD projectors and teachers' use of presentation programs such as Power Point
* tests, quizzes, and exams via student laptops or student stations rather than paper and pencil
* specialized microscopes and calculators and other tech-tools for math and science classes
* online database subscriptions (such as EBSCOhost, Newsbank, etc.) in the library and maybe schoolwide for much wider and deeper researching capabilities

There are other elements, I'm sure. Other teachers may have more ideas to add.