Can you help me annotate this prompt? I don't know really how to do it?

In the following passage from the scarlet letter the narrator describes Hester Pyrnne in her isolation from Puritan community. In a well organized essay, analyze the language and rhetorical devices the narrator uses to convey his attitude toward Hester and toward women in general.

3 answers
Study the sections called Analysis of Major Characters and Themes, Motifs & Symbols.
Then study the different devices linked here and see which ones are clearly used in this book.
Chapter 2. Pay attention to the attitudes of the women toward Hester, her sin, and her punishment. Note how they differ. Note what they think of the fancy stitched A on Hester.

In Chapter 2, note Hawthornes disdain for puritan society...and how that reflects in Hesters attitude toward her "sin", and punishment...she is quite ambivalent towards it all.

Most of what you need can be found in Chapter 2, it lays the groundwork for the entire following text.


use post-its for the annotation, then take the stack of post-ts (with the revelent text) and document your conclusion and thoughts in the essay. In college, I used highlighting to anotate, with margin comments.