Paul is emphasizing the futility of trying to earn righteousness through good works and obedience to the law. He is pointing out that no one is capable of completely following the law and therefore everyone falls short of God's standard. By relying on the law for righteousness, one is essentially setting themselves up for failure and condemnation.
The curse that Paul speaks of is the consequence of trying to earn salvation through works. Because no one can perfectly obey the law, all who rely on their own efforts to be righteous will ultimately be cursed. This curse serves as a reminder of our inability to save ourselves and our need for a Savior who can fulfill the righteous requirements of the law on our behalf.
Ultimately, Paul is pointing towards the need for faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to be justified and made righteous before God. It is through faith in Christ that we are freed from the curse of the law and granted the righteousness that comes from God alone.
Can you go a little bit more deep on this in verse 10 of Galatians 3:
Paul warns that those who rely on keeping the law for their righteousness are under a curse because no one can perfectly obey the law. The curse applies to all who do not fulfill every requirement of the law.
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