Can you go a little bit more deep?
In verse 17, Paul addresses the idea that justification comes through faith in Christ and not through adherence to the Jewish law. He is explaining that by trying to be justified by following the law, we are essentially admitting that Christ's sacrifice was unnecessary. Justification comes through faith in Christ alone, not through our own efforts or works. Paul emphasizes the importance of faith in Christ as the source of salvation, rather than relying on our own abilities to earn righteousness.
1 answer
He is highlighting that faith in Christ is what truly matters in our relationship with God, not our works or adherence to a set of rules. He is emphasizing the grace and mercy of God that is freely given to us through Christ's sacrifice, and that we cannot earn our salvation through our own efforts. This idea challenges the traditional understanding of righteousness through works and stresses the importance of faith in Christ as the foundation of our salvation. Paul's message here is a call to trust in Christ completely and to let go of the idea that we can earn our way into God's favor through our own actions.