Can you go a little bit deeper on this please?
In Galatians 1:15 it reads, "But when He who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by His grace." This verse is referring to Paul's unique call and mission as an apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul is emphasizing that his calling and purpose come from God alone it was not something he chose for himself, but rather it was God who set him apart and called him by His grace. This speaks to the sovereignty of God in choosing and appointing individuals for specific tasks in His kingdom. Furthermore, this verse highlights the idea of predestination and God's foreknowledge. Paul recognizes that God had a plan for him even before he was born and that God's grace was at work in his life long before he even realized it. Galatians 1:15 serves as a reminder that our calling and purpose in life ultimately come from God, and that we can trust in His plan for us even when we may not understand it fully. It also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and responding to God's grace in our lives.
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