Here are some websites with good ideas for teaching phonics:
Teach With Phonics Skills Chart |
10+ items - This chart below, created with the guidance of phonics expert ...
Alphabet Tree (PDF) from Overhead Teaching Kit: Easy Phonics Lessons for ...
Which Letter? (PDF) from 201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy
Lesson Plans and Activities for Teaching Phonics |
These free resources will help you use phonics to promote reading success.
How to teach … phonics | Education | The Guardian
Apr 1, 2013 - This week the Guardian Teacher Network explores the enormous range of resources on phonics.
Phonics - Reading A-Z
Teach effective phonics using explicit, systematic instruction and practice. Students must learn to match a unit of sound (a phoneme) to the letter or letters that ...
can you give me teaching methods to learn phoenics?
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