Can you give 3 great Application Sentences that applys to me personally one per institution. Here is my Explanation below:

The Family: The Family is God's first institution. It is a foundational role sealed in Genesis 2:24, which says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This verse simply underscores and brings forth that marriage and family unity are indeed indispensable features of God's pattern for human relationships. The institution of the family is allegedly a place of nurture, a place where an individual is loved and nurtured. The New Testament further defines the roles and responsibilities that take place within this nucleus of family. Ephesians 6:1-4 addresses the more serious matters of obedience and honor within the parent-child relationship: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother." Conversely, parents are not to exasperate their children but raise them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. The dynamic that is disclosed here is that the family should be a place where mutual respect and growth take place, where children, though indeed learning obedience, will also learn other values and virtues to guide them in life. Colossians 3:18-21 continues with this same theme as it provides a pattern for relationships in the family. Wives are called upon to submit to their husbands as is fitting in the Lord, whereas husbands have been instructed to love them wives and not be harsh with them. Also, children are encouraged to obey their parents, and fathers are reminded not to provoke their children. The emphasis here has been given to love, respect, and understanding for a perfect family structure.

The Government: The Government, as the second institution ordained by God, does exist to establish order and justice in society. Romans 13:1-4 expounds, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." This text portrays human government as instituted for the enforcement of laws, protection of the citizenry, and for keeping peace in a society. It is designed to be the servant of God in justice and righteousness for the good of society. Also, 1 Peter 2:13-14 calls believers to submit to the human government for the Lord's sake. As with many other commands, obedience to those in authority over the person is part of 'faith in practice'. This has created a platform where Christians are not only under obligation to the laws of the land but also to create worthwhile contributions in society in which they live. The government thus plays a major role in protection of rights, dispensation of services, and ensuring that justice is upheld, and is responsible to God.

The Church: The third institution that God has established is the Church, which is to minister to believers with spiritual services, companionship, and care. Many refer to it as the body of Christ, since it highlights the aspect of assembly of people congregate for worship, growth, and service. Hebrews 10:24-25 calls upon Christians not to stop gathering together but to continue motivating one another to love and great works. This speaks to the role the Church would play in fostering fellowship and accountability amongst believers, who can grow together in their faith and carry one another through the spiritual journey. Coupled with this familial aspect, the role of the Church pertains to the dissemination of the Gospel. The preaching of the truth of God's Word, outreach, and ministry to those in need are all components of the duty placed upon the Church. The Church is called to mirror the character of Christ, beaming into a confused and despairing world as a lighthouse of hope, love, and truth.
The Family: The Family is God's first institution. It is a foundational role sealed in Genesis 2:24, which says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This verse simply underscores and brings forth that marriage and family unity are indeed indispensable features of God's pattern for human relationships. The institution of the family is allegedly a place of nurture, a place where an individual is loved and nurtured. The New Testament further defines the roles and responsibilities that take place within this nucleus of family. Ephesians 6:1-4 addresses the more serious matters of obedience and honor within the parent-child relationship: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother." Conversely, parents are not to exasperate their children but raise them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. The dynamic that is disclosed here is that the family should be a place where mutual respect and growth take place, where children, though indeed learning obedience, will also learn other values and virtues to guide them in life. Colossians 3:18-21 continues with this same theme as it provides a pattern for relationships in the family. Wives are called upon to submit to their husbands as is fitting in the Lord, whereas husbands have been instructed to love them wives and not be harsh with them. Also, children are encouraged to obey their parents, and fathers are reminded not to provoke their children. The emphasis here has been given to love, respect, and understanding for a perfect family structure.

The Government: The Government, as the second institution ordained by God, does exist to establish order and justice in society. Romans 13:1-4 expounds, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." This text portrays human government as instituted for the enforcement of laws, protection of the citizenry, and for keeping peace in a society. It is designed to be the servant of God in justice and righteousness for the good of society. Also, 1 Peter 2:13-14 calls believers to submit to the human government for the Lord's sake. As with many other commands, obedience to those in authority over the person is part of 'faith in practice'. This has created a platform where Christians are not only under obligation to the laws of the land but also to create worthwhile contributions in society in which they live. The government thus plays a major role in protection of rights, dispensation of services, and ensuring that justice is upheld, and is responsible to God.

The Church: The third institution that God has established is the Church, which is to minister to believers with spiritual services, companionship, and care. Many refer to it as the body of Christ, since it highlights the aspect of assembly of people congregate for worship, growth, and service. Hebrews 10:24-25 calls upon Christians not to stop gathering together but to continue motivating one another to love and great works. This speaks to the role the Church would play in fostering fellowship and accountability amongst believers, who can grow together in their faith and carry one another through the spiritual journey. Coupled with this familial aspect, the role of the Church pertains to the dissemination of the Gospel. The preaching of the truth of God's Word, outreach, and ministry to those in need are all components of the duty placed upon the Church. The Church is called to mirror the character of Christ, beaming into a confused and despairing world as a lighthouse of hope, love, and truth.

1 answer

Certainly! Here are three application sentences that you can use, one for each institution (Family, Government, and Church), reflecting your understanding and commitment to each:

  1. The Family: "As I cultivate my own family environment, I am determined to honor the biblical principles of mutual respect and love emphasized in Ephesians 6:1-4, ensuring that my home becomes a nurturing sanctuary where every member is uplifted, understood, and encouraged to grow in their faith and character."

  2. The Government: "Recognizing the divine role of government as a tool for justice and order, I commit to being an engaged and responsible citizen, upholding the laws of the land while actively participating in community initiatives that reflect my Christian duties of service and advocacy for those in need, as urged in Romans 13:1-4."

  3. The Church: "Embracing my role within the Church as a vital member of the body of Christ, I will prioritize gathering with fellow believers and actively engaging in ministry and outreach, motivated by Hebrews 10:24-25 to inspire love and good works in our community, thereby shining as a beacon of hope and truth in a challenging world."

These sentences can be personalized further based on your specific experiences or aspirations within each institution.