Can you explain in more detail WHY ....if you live in Atlanta and your grandparents live in Seattle and they go to bed at 10 pm.. 7pm Atlanta time would be the latest they would call....
I think that's wrong.
Since the sun rises in the east, the east coast, including Atlanta, sees the sun first -- say 7 a.m. But in Seattle, it's still dark -- 4 a.m. As the earth revolves, it gets light farther and farther west. So, when it's dark -- say 10 p.m. in Atlanta -- it's still light -- 7 p.m. in Seattle. So when your grandparents go to bed at 10 p.m. in Seattle, it's 1 a.m. the next day in Atlanta.
My son and his family live in the Pacific Zone, and I live in the Eastern Zone. When they go to bed at 10 p.m., I've already been in bed for a couple of hours.
Hey Ms. Sue!
Remember one time I asked what's a good way to remember your timed tables and I think you gave me like 3 or 4 websites. Could you give me those websites again please if you still can look them up please?
These websites have games and many ways to practice the times tables.
Thank You okay! : )
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is a link to one of the World Clocks:
When you want to call someone in a different time zone you have to keep in track of how many hours different are they. For example, When I call friends in Netherlands I hav to rememer that they are 9 hours later. So it can be noon here but 9 p.m. that day there!