Can you do deep on Galatians 1:11

1 answer

In Galatians 1:11, the apostle Paul writes, "I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin." This verse is a statement from Paul asserting the divine origin of the gospel message he preached.

Paul is addressing the believers in Galatia and emphasizing that the gospel he shared with them did not come from his own ideas or human invention. Instead, he received it directly from God through revelation. This underscores the authority and authenticity of the gospel message that Paul preached.

By highlighting the supernatural source of the gospel, Paul is emphasizing that it is not a man-made religion or philosophy, but rather a divine revelation that has the power to transform lives. This verse serves as a reminder to the Galatian believers, and to all readers of the Bible, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the ultimate truth that comes from God himself.