P.S. - the last sentence should be:
The title of the novel represents someone stuck between two directions of polarities, but eventually frees himself by flying “over the cuckoo’s nest”.
Can you check whether my first three sentences in my introduction makes sense or not?
“One flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest”. This epigraph from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, represents opposite philosophies and social-politics such as “one flew east” meaning one who believes in traditional ways and “one flew west” meaning one who believes in independency. The title of the novel represents someone stuck between two directions of polarities, but eventually frees himself by flying “the cuckoo’s nest”.
2 answers
“One flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest”.<~~put period first, then quotation marks This epigraph from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,<~~make sure the title is in italics in your paper represents opposite philosophies and social-politics such as<~~delete "such as" and put a colon (:) after "politics" “one flew east” meaning one who believes in traditional ways<~~add comma and “one flew west” meaning one who believes in independency<~~use "independence," not "independency". The title of the novel represents someone stuck between two directions of polarities, but eventually frees himself by flying “the cuckoo’s nest”.<~~put period first, then quotation marks
I'm not clear on what "directions of polarities" means -- or maybe you just need to leave out "directions of" -- ??
Otherwise, it reads fine.
I'm not clear on what "directions of polarities" means -- or maybe you just need to leave out "directions of" -- ??
Otherwise, it reads fine.