what number 5% of 522?
i got : 10440
what number is 90% of 13?
i got : 14.44
what number is 56% of 48?
i got: 85.71
50.4 is 36% of what number ?
im stuck
50.4 / 0.36 = ?
I think the rest are right.
Can you check these?
18% of 90 is what number?
i got 16.2
what number is 41% of 800?
i got: 1951.22
what number 5% of 522?
i got : 10440
70% of 279 is what number?
i got: 195.3
what number is 90% of 13?
i got : 14.44
9% of 351 is what number?
i got: 32
36% of 95 is what number?
i got 34.2
what number is 56% of 48?
i got: 85.71
96% of what number is 24?
i got 25
40% of what number is 30?
i got 75
50.4 is 36% of what number ?
im stuck
12% of what number is 72?
i got 6
12.8 is 32% of what number?
im stuck
684 is 95% of what number?
i got: 720
72% of what number is 630?
i got: 875
3 answers
3.50 is 2% of what number?
3.50 is 2% of what number?