Can you check the very last sentences of the day?

1)The biker wanted to cheer his supporters or wanted to cheer to his supporters?
2) We toasted the New Year or we toasted to the New Year?
3)In order to stress the fact that the children were given very little to eat, Dickens refers to the story of an experimental philosopher, who got his horse down to a straw until it died.He is ironical towards (?) the workhouse authorities, who exploit and humiliate the children.
4) Mrs Mann is another experimental philosopher, since she pocketed the greater part of the money granted to each child by the parish.
5) I received a lot of presents but I made a lot, too. OR but I gave a lot too???? Are they both correct?

Thank you all!

1 answer

1 -- to cheer his supporters

2 -- toasted the New Year

3 -- I don't understand "ironical towards" -- sorry.

4 fine

5 -- I gave a lot (unless you handmade them before you gave them away)