Can you check the following paragraphs for me? Thanks a lot

1) I spent the first days of my Christmas holidays doing homework and studying
2) During the first weekend of my holidays I went to the seaside with my parents. The weather was nine and we enjoyed going for walks and buying the last Christmas presents (or to buy)
3) On Christmas Eve I first went to the midnight mass and then I had some hot chocolate with my friends. Aftrer that I went back home and I opened my C presents.I was surprised (pleased?) to receive a pair of sunglasses and a pair of jeans
4) I spent the rest of my holidays going to pubs with my friends for a drink. I liked (enjoyed) going to pubs with my friends for a beer (drink) or spending some time with my them at home.
5) On 7 January I returned to school and I was a bit unhappy because I had to get up early again. I was also content (?) though because I had spent a lot of time with my family and friends.
6)On the first day of holiday (or of my holidays?) And not on my first holiday's day? On Christmas day I had a big (?) lunch with my family and then we opened the presents under the C. tree. I spent the rest of my holidays going shopping in different shopping malls of my area.
7) On the first days of January I finished my homowork (and not I did the last part of my homework)
8) I went to a party. I was very satisfied (excited?) because I had the opportunity to meet new people (or to get to know) and make new friends
9) I stayed there three days OR I spent three days there.
10 ) I spent the rest of my holidays finishing (?) my homowork and studying (or Preparing) for a test.

1 answer

Go back to the link I've already given you about comma use -- especially #s 2 and 3.

Make sure there is correct punctuation at the end of EVERY sentence.

Then resubmit this.