I would think about the answers to 3 and 5. The question doesn't say that the gas is an ideal gas or not so I'm a little confused about some of the implications because of that. I think your answers to questions 1, 2, and 4 are fine.
For 3, although the pressure of an ideal gas is zero at absolute zero, that is NOT the definition of absolute zero. Perhaps this is a nit-picky point. The question appears to be defining absolute zero as the point when P = 0.
For #5, if we plot T vs P for an ideal gas, won't the extrapolated line go through zero?
Perhaps this is not an ideal gas. For a real gas, the y-intercept might be the VOLUME of the gas at absolute zero,
Check my thinking.
can you check my answers(has star next to it)
1. Absolute zero is when T = 0 K.
A. true*
B. false
2. Molecular motion is neglibible at absolute zero.
A. true*
B. false
3. Absolute zero is the temperature when P = 0.
A. true*
B. false
4. Absolute zero is when T = 0C
A. true
B. false*
5. When pressure is plotted on the x-axis and Celsius temperature is on the y-axis, the y-intercept is absolute zero .
A. true*
B. false
3 answers
Scratch that last sentence. Volume isn't even in the P vs T question.
state charle s law