Can you check my answers? From the words below, supply the words needed to complete the sentences.
Peerless, sporadic, bravado, perceptive, stoic, and stymied
C. His reckless BRAVADO caused a bad accident. Although he had broken his leg, he was rather PERCEPTIVE about it and showed little concern. He had been more STYMIED he would have never tried to ski the most difficult trail on the mountain.
D. The SPORADIC attendance of the students and the paucity of supplies made it difficult to get anything accomplished. Jane, however, refused to be STOIC in her first effort to teach. Her mother had been recognized as a peerless teacher, and Jane was determined todo the same.
2 answers
BRAVADO and SPORADIC are right. The others are wrong.
Here is a fun way to learn vocab. Get 2 packs of index cards of 2 different colors, say blue and yellow. On the yellow cards write the first vocab word, skip a line write the next, skip a line and keep going.
On the blue index cards, write the definitions. Using the same method: skip a line between each definition.(Write the def the teacher wants, but also add a def that makes it more sensible to you.)Cut them apart and make 2 piles: one with the vocab words scrambled up; the other with the defs scrambled up. Now match them up.
If there are a whole bunch of vocab words, start with 10 at a time. When you have the 10 down, add 5 more, and so on.
When you know them, compete with friends for speed and lollipops. Trust me, my AP kids loved this and their grades rocketed!!
On the blue index cards, write the definitions. Using the same method: skip a line between each definition.(Write the def the teacher wants, but also add a def that makes it more sensible to you.)Cut them apart and make 2 piles: one with the vocab words scrambled up; the other with the defs scrambled up. Now match them up.
If there are a whole bunch of vocab words, start with 10 at a time. When you have the 10 down, add 5 more, and so on.
When you know them, compete with friends for speed and lollipops. Trust me, my AP kids loved this and their grades rocketed!!