Can you check if my explanation is weak, moderate or strong? Tell me why is it weak, moderate or strong. If it's weak, what can I do to improve my explanation?
In addition, __________ intimidates the patients to show how powerful she is and that she is like a “machine”.
The ________ learns to “smell out” the fear of her patients and “put it to use.
The repeated use of the adjective “big” in reference to ____ reflects -------’s fearful perception of her power rather than her actual size [considering] --------- himself is six feet eight inches, but he feels that his experience has physically shrunk him.
Whenever the _________ seems in indisputable control, the fog machine churns out its mist, scary, safe, and scary again.
The _______ influences the patients to fear her, especially ------------, so the probability of rebelling against her is little. She is bigger than ----------- in terms of power. Whenever Chief ----------- fears the __________, he hides in the fog.
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