Can you check if my explanation is weak, moderate or strong? Tell me why is it weak, moderate or strong. If it's weak, what can I do to improve my explanation?

In addition, __________ intimidates the patients to show how powerful she is and that she is like a “machine”.
The ________ learns to “smell out” the fear of her patients and “put it to use.
The repeated use of the adjective “big” in reference to ____ reflects -------’s fearful perception of her power rather than her actual size [considering] --------- himself is six feet eight inches, but he feels that his experience has physically shrunk him.
Whenever the _________ seems in indisputable control, the fog machine churns out its mist, scary, safe, and scary again.
The _______ influences the patients to fear her, especially ------------, so the probability of rebelling against her is little. She is bigger than ----------- in terms of power. Whenever Chief ----------- fears the __________, he hides in the fog.

1 answer

All those blanks and so many words in quotation marks make this impossible to read. Please rewrite with real words instead of blanks and remove the quotation marks unless you are actually quoting someone (in which case you'll need to provide correct citation).
