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can ya help me i need a summaryreflection on the junkyard dog plz help me
15 answers
are you a teacher
thats not the book
Yes, I'm a teacher.
Who is the author of the book you need to summarize?
Who is the author of the book you need to summarize?
i need a page summeriy
We don't do your homework. If you write your summary and post it here, we'll be glad to comment on it and help you.
can you tell me what its about i read a little of it
what grade do you teach
You can find what it's about from the website I posted.
However, you must read the whole book in order to complete this assignment.
However, you must read the whole book in order to complete this assignment.
i don't have time i have to turn it in tommorw and if i don't ill get yelled at a lot by my teacher plz help me
the only part i really need is the ending
i like read the hole thing but the ending i didnt
thats hard
i know right
Sounds like you need to read the ending.