Can this one be corrected instead of the original one? thanks

Shipp’s proudest achievement at WMU her co-founding of Young Broadcaster’s of Tomorrow (YBOT). She helped create YBOT with two other girls: Diamond Daniels and Juliene Winborne. She started off as a secretary and is currently a producer. She is the only co-founder remaining since both Daniels and Winborne have graduated.
“What YBOT means for me is that I’m young, and I’m trying to be a broadcaster so it’s helpful and it’s something great that I can use on a resume, because it didn’t exist before I got here,” Shipp says.
Shipp says that she and the other two co-founders created YBOT so students with broadcasting interests would be able to have the opportunity to get some practice with the organization.
“We created the Young Broadcasters of tomorrow because we were all interested in being television anchors and broadcasters. So we figured that having some experience would be helpful to getting a job in the future,” says Shipp.

1 answer

This is better. Please see my corrections to your first version.