In each group of sentences, you can clearly see the relationship of all of them to each other, but you should also be able to sense where there's a slightly different angle, so to speak. For example, in the first set, the first two should clearly be combined, and the last three clearly go together.
How could you make the first two and the last three in that group into two sentences? Please repost with your thoughts, and I'll be able to see what you're thinking.
Can soneone help me to combine each of the following groups of simple sentences into two longer sentences. Thanks
1. Darryl works as a model.
He has to look his best.
He gained ten pounds recently.
He had to take off the extra weight.
He would have lost his job.
2. My aunt decided to find a helpful form of exercise.
She was suffering from arthritis.
She learned that swimming is very healthful.
It works every muscle group in the body without straining the muscles.
1 answer