can someone who is knowledgeable in world history please check my answers thank you.
1.)hitler became the leader of germany when
a.his army staged a coup d' etat against the government
b.the german people elected him president
c his party won a majority in reichstag
d.the president of the weimar republic appointed him chancellor
i chose c
2.)following franco's victory in the spanish civil war,
a.spain joined the axis
b.a fascist government was set up
c.two political parties were established in spain elections were held
i chose b
3.)the success of the blitzkrieg,or ''lightning war'', depended mainly on superiority in air and
a.nuclear weapons
b.naval power
c.defense strategy ground troops
i chose d
4.)the russo-japanese war was ended by the
a.treaty of portsmouth
b.platt amendment
c.treaty of paris
d.balfour declaration
i chose a
5.)the new weapon that made trench warfare necessary was
a.the airplane
b.the tank
c.poison gas
d.the machine gun
i chose d
6.)the british government did not declare war after hitler took czechoslovakia, rather it followed a policy of
b.collective security
d.balance of power
i chose c
7.)it was difficult to write a peace treaty according to the fourteen points because the
a.germans would not accept it
b.united states opposed it
c.european allies did not trust wilson
d.europeans nations had secret treaties that conflicted with it
i chose a
8.)the first allied offensive against the axis powers came with the
a.invasion of normandy
b.landings in north africa
c.invasion of italy
d.recapture of the philippines
i chose b
9.)the ottoman empire was ended in 1922 when mustafa kemal led a revolution
that established
a. persia
i chose d
10.) irish nationalists revolted in the easter rising over the issue of their independence from
d.great britain
i chose d
2 answers