1. Balance the following half-reaction: Fe(s) → Fe3+(aq) +xe- (electrons)
Remember the electron has a 1- charge so how many electrons do you need to make both sides equal. If you don't see that immediately, then look at a mathematical option. The charge on the left is 0 so
0 = +3 + (-x)
0 = +3 + (-3) so you need 3 electrons so the equation will read
Fe(s) ==> Fe^3+(aq) + 3e.
Now you do the other one.
Can someone provide assistance for these chemistry homework problems?
1. Balance the following half-reaction: Fe(s) → Fe3+(aq) +xe- (electrons)
What is x, that is, how many electrons are needed?
Balance the following half reaction: Cl2(aq) + xe- → 2Cl-(aq)
What is x, that is, how many electrons are needed?
1 answer