Can someone proofread this for me please? Thanks.

Under the Youth PROMISE Act, communities facing the greatest youth gang and crime challenges will come together to develop a compressive plan for implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies. One of the strengths of this bill is it gets at the root causes of youth and gang violence before youth get into trouble. Rather than creating additional and same disciplinary approaches, that do very little to prevent youth from engaging in delinquent activity. The bill’s weakness could be associated to poor evaluation or assessment measures of programs which are responsible for helping communities reduce their youths involvement with gang activities. By ensuring that the councils of each community provide thorough assessment and evaluation measures towards their programs or other resources used, can they prevent increased levels of gang activity.

3 answers

Under the Youth PROMISE Act, communities facing the greatest youth gang and crime challenges will come together to develop a comprehensive plan for implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies. This bill gets at the root causes of youth and gang violence before youth get into trouble rather than creating additional and same<~~delete "and same" - it's awkward phrasing disciplinary approaches,<~~delete comma that do very little to prevent youth from engaging in delinquent activity. The bill’s weakness is poor evaluation or assessment measures of programs which are responsible for helping communities reduce their young people's involvement in gang activities. By ensuring that the councils of each community provide thorough assessment and evaluation measures of their programs or other resources used<~~delete "used", can they<~~reverse those two words - "they can" prevent increased levels of gang activity.
Is it really this: "Youth PROMISE Act" or is it "Youth Promise Act"? If PROMISE is an acronym for something, it'd be a good idea to identify that. If it's not an acronym, then you probably shouldn't use all-caps.
Thank you! Yes, this is the Youth PROMISE Act.