can someone plz translate this sentence:
Si no, dime: qué mayor contento puede haber en el mundo, o qué gusto puede igualarse al de vencer una batalla y al de triunfar de un enemigo?
Thank y ou for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Yes, I can translate it BUT you should learn to do that too! Here is the key to using a dictionary. Look up the word (in this case you won't find the tú commands and/or conjugated verbs, write down all the possiblities you find in English. Then the MOSt important part is to look up each English word for the primary Spanish word. Depending upon the context, or exactly how each word is used, remember that whatever you come up with has to make sense!
Here it is: If not, tell me, what great (greatest) content can there be in the word, or what pleasure/taste can equal itself upon winning a battle and upon triunphing over an enemy? Now, that is if you typed it correctly. The word "contento" as a noun is content but as an adjective is "happy."
Good Grief! As Jules pointed out, the "word" is meant to be "world." That's what happens when it's after my bedtime!
Lo siento = sorry