it is caused by people leaving someone out and therefore making them feel unwanted
it is also caused when someone from a different background has friends who are totally different to them and therefore don't feel apart of that group
e.g imagine you had friends who talk about the same things as they are the same...for example when they talk about religion
if you are a totally different religion to them so therefore you will feel left out and alienated.
Alienation...split it down....Alien
aliens are odd
so basically it is caused when some me feel like the odd one out and not part of that particular situation.
was I any help?
can someone please tell me what are the causes of alienation? I cant find the answer in many sociology books !!Please help!
5 answers
this is a really good article:
Wikipedia is biased!!! and editted
I wonder who is more biased. Is it a high school student or three retired masters-degree teachers with a combined total of over 75 years teaching experience?
HS -- you're unhappy with Jiskha, and have made your point. You can take a little vacation since you're now banned from posting here for a few days.
HS -- you're unhappy with Jiskha, and have made your point. You can take a little vacation since you're now banned from posting here for a few days.
Bravo, Ms. Sue!