Can someone please review me on the rule of writing numbers?

Isn't it numbers under 10 must be written out:one, two, three,etc., but 10 and up can be in numeral form: 10, 11, 12, etc?

But it looks weird when I'm trying to say this: seven through 15.

Here's an excellent set of guidelines:

Let me know if you have questions.


It's kind of contradictory, though, because it says write out numbers that are greater than 9, but then it says if you have two numbers in the same sentence, you should do them the same way regardless. I think I should probably do 7 through 15, or maybe 7-15. But probably not seven through fifteen. (And definitely not seven-fifteen, lol) What do you think?

You should write them seven through fifteen -- the primary part of that explanation is at the very beginning: If it takes more than two words to write the number, use numerals; if it takes one or two words to write the number, spell them out.


but it said about the thing with being greater than 9

I know, but the latest thing in the MLA style guide is what I wrote above -- one or two words...


I think i should probably go with the traditional thing instead of the latest thing! Maybe, I don't know! I don't know what my teacher wants!

Draco, Writeacher is correct. Use the word form of the words unless you are specifying page numbers, for instance. So "I read pages 6-15 in the text" or for citations (Spenser, 2007, pp.6-15). But for numbers within a sentence, use the advice Writeacher gave.