Can someone please proofread this essay to check for any improvements that need to be made such as possible grammar suggestions Thanks

Attendance demands punctuality meaning that not only should you make it a priority to show up but to always be on time. You have to make sure that you are always on time and ready to complete the tasks at hand. If you’re always late for work or school its shows your employer or teachers that your work or school is not very important to you. I myself always make an effort to arrive ten or more minutes early so that I’m never late. Attendance and Punctuality not only has an effect on your life but on those around you. Arriving on time causes fewer interruptions in the classroom and work place. There are less classroom and workplace disruption. When your attendance is good and you’re punctual it shows you can be counted on. If you are always punctual, people will naturally assume that they can count on you. If you arrive to work on time, hand in your assignments on time, are punctual to meetings and functions; your boss and co-workers will think of you as a dependable person. Good attendance combined with being punctual is one of the most important aspects of being successful in everything you choose to do.

3 answers

Looks good.

A couple of corrections:

Attendance and punctuality not only have an effect

workplace disruptions

meetings and functions, your boss and co-workers
Thanks how many paragraphs do i need to break it into and where should it begin?
It's just fine as one paragraph.