Can someone please proof read my essay! I am running out of time Please! edit,spell check,grammar please

What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a period from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining and transport had a massive effect on the social, economic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom, then spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. The Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point to Human history; nearly every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way.

Before the Industrial Revolution Britain was a different place to what it is today. It was very hard to keep in touch with people in other parts of the country. News was spread by travellers or through messenger’s goods. It was hard to move around, there were no cars, buses or aeroplanes. People had to rely upon themselves and their communities to provide the things that they needed. Food was produced locally, agriculture could provide for but a few towns. Clothing was also made locally.

The population was growing which meant that the feudal system was long gone. People were relying on each other and their master. Before the Industrial Revolution Politics was based upon land ownership. There were not as many problems with people and their social life. The working class had a few rights and children worked in good conditions. They were housed well. Child labour existed before the Industrial revolution; it dates back to prehistoric times. They felt that they were helping the poor working class children to work from the age of five years onward. Children were working at night and hardly got to see their parents. Life was a constant battle. Education was poor; the rich had several advantages such as Private tutors and Nannies.

During and after the Industrial revolution, changes were made but not every area changed. The population increased very quickly during and after the Revolution. Too much population growth would lead to disaster and misery. After and during the Industrial Revolution life for Women and Children during the Industrial Revolution was quite different to the way they lived before the Industrial Revolution and the way they can live today. These are some of the things that women and children were expected to do during the industrial revolution. At the start of the industrial Revolution, there was not a certain law about working conditions in mills, factories or the industrial plants. They simply had not been needed before. As factories spread rapidly the owners of mills, mines and other forms of industry needed large numbers of workers and they did not want to have to pay them a high wage. Children were the ideal employees therefore! They were cheap, were not big enough or educated enough to argue or complain and were small enough to fit between tight fitting machinery that adults could not get between. Children soon ended up working in all types of industry.
Children were treated very badly; even worst than before. The factories were not safe and the children could get hurt. Their diets were not balanced. Some children did not survive. Children did not get to see their parents often since they were working long hours. Child Labour became more treacherous than before.
Women faced different demands during the industrial age to those that they face today. Women of the working classes would usually be expected to go out to work, often in the mills or mines. As with the children and men, the hours were long and conditions were hard. Those who were fortunate may have become house cleaners for wealthier families; others may have worked as governesses for rich children. The less fortunate may have been forced to work in shocking conditions during the day and then have to return home to conduct the household’s domestic needs (Washing, Cooking and looking after children etc.)
Women also faced the added burden of societies demand for children. The industrial age led to a rapid increase in birth rates, which clearly has an impact upon the physical strength of the mothers. It was not uncommon for families to have more than 10 children because of this demand: and the woman would often have to work right up to and straight after the day of the child’s birth for financial reasons, leaving the care of the newborn child to older relatives. Before the Industrial Revolution Women has a few rights, after the Industrial age it seemed that their lives were extremely difficult.
Agriculture and farming families changed during and after the Industrial Revolution. Farmers that had always done everything by hand were now using machines in their fields. Farmers now could plow and plant with machines. By the late 1700's many people could no longer make their living in the countryside. Large industrial towns sprang up and the building of factories attracted more and more people to those towns to find work. The towns were often dirty, crowded, and unhealthy.
Another change was that during the Industrial Period, capitalists invested in their land by building factories where they installed machinery to change raw materials into products sold to the consumer market. The problem was that machines needed to be handled by man. Therefore, people had to abandon his village life and family for a number of hours a day to work in a factory.
There were Technological changes during and after the Industrial Period. For example, Steam power replaced water power and muscle power.
The positive effects of the Industrial revolution were the spread of Industrialization, the competition for trade and cheaper prices. After the invention of the steam engine, transportation of goods became a lot more advanced and the steel industry improved. The Negative effects of the Industrial Period was that kids had no free time to do anything else, besides work and earned low wages. Some got sick and died because of the toxic fumes, while others were severely injured and sometimes killed working at the dangerous machines in factories. Also death and illnesses from working in factories, poor working conditions, and poor conditions within cities.

In conclusion to my essay, The Industrial Revolution changed a lot of areas. If these changes did not happen our lives would be drastic.

3 answers

No one will go through this with a fine toothed comb for you. You need to learn to do this for yourself.

Please go over your paper with the following in mind. Thanks to PsyDAG for the following:

In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)

[You can also either read it aloud to someone else or have someone else read it aloud to you! (The latter works really well!)]

If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other people are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.

Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts.

And here are three really good websites that will help, too.
But yo are here t hep with spelling mistakes. you dot help anyone!
If these guys are not solving your problems than I don't know what the heck is this website for?
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