Roses are red, violets are blue.
Some poems rhyme, some poems don't.
Can someone please help me write a lyric poem about the color light blue?
3 answers
The visible spectrum has the color of blue,
It's that color along with others too.
There's red and orange, yellow and green,
Violet is last and that's serene.
Poems are made by fools like me,
Not all poems rhyme as you can see,
By looking at the first one posted above,
You see an example; it's all about love (of words).
It's that color along with others too.
There's red and orange, yellow and green,
Violet is last and that's serene.
Poems are made by fools like me,
Not all poems rhyme as you can see,
By looking at the first one posted above,
You see an example; it's all about love (of words).