can someone please explain to me this excerpt from Mary Reynolds, an ex slave.

" He raised corn and cotton and cane and 'taters and goobers, 'sides the peas and other feedin' for n******. I 'member I helt a handle mighty onsteady when they put a old woman to larn me and some other chillun to scrape the fields.

Thank you

2 answers

He raised corn and cotton and sugar cane and potatoes and peanuts, besides the peas and other food for the ?? (other slaves?). I remember I held a 's handle very unsteadily when they (the master? overseer?) sent an old woman to teach me and other children how to use the s to scrape (chop out the weeds?) the fields.

All this is reflecting what happened on plantations or farms in the South before the Civil War, right?
yes MSmith. Thank you