Can someone help me with my argument/thesis?
My introduction... let's see if this works.
Gender myths
Some people wear earrings, others do not. Some people wear nail polish, while others do not. Whatever the case is, there are some people, whether male or female, who dress a certain way, either get mistaken for the wrong gender or the wrong sexual orientation because of their styles of dress. Just because a person wears pants, it does not mean that he or she is a boy. Also, just because a man is dressed in a feminine way, it does not make him a homosexual. Every person has their own unique personality and society should not judge a person by what is on the outside but should let people be who they want to be and accept them for who they are. Throughout history, the world has evolved and so has people. Because society is more open with expressing themselves as they are today, others should have respect and should not judge those who are different just because they do not live up to society’s expectations of what a male or female suppose to be.
I'm relating my essay to the story "Appearances" by Carment Vazquez. I wish I can link sites but this website won't let me. I would like to write my paper discussing how society should not judge others by their appearances because even though some people might appear a homosexual or whatever, it is not always the case. And I'm not sure if my argument should say that society should accept people as who they are or just talk about people being different. I'm not sure if my argument is strong enough.
The story "Appearances" is about people who are mistaken as homosexuals when their really not. Some men wear earrings, some men shave, some men wear accessories, paint their nails. Some women are tom boys. Doesn't mean they are . And well even if they were , shouldn't society accept them for who they are? Would my argument be strong enough to say that as everything around us is evolving, so is human beings, physical, mental, and spiritual, people are changing, times have changed, we aren't traditional as we use to be, every individual is unique, and society should respect one another and should not judge a person based on appearance.
And I'm not sure if I should add that society should accept one another for who they are. I know what I wrote above is really wordy, I don't expect it to be my thesis, but I'm trying to explain my idea as best as possible so that you get the picture and maybe someone can help me narrow it down more because it is a bit broad. I am not sure what is the political correct way to speak about this subject because my main focus is about mistaking people's gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
I think it is too broad. To accept others for who they are, not judge them. I'm not sure if I want my argument to be on letting individuals be who they want to be as far as genders, and not judging them and accepting them. Or not judging by someone's appearance and mistaking people as a homosexual which can lead to problems if society stops judging people and accept them for who they are. This might be more specific.
Here is an alternative introduction.
Throughout history gender roles and identities were based primarily on the human biological anatomy. From a very early age, girls were taught to be feminine and do girly things, while boys were taught to be masculine doing macho things. As girls were dressed up in cute outfits and given dolls to play with, boys were dressed in jeans and given toy guns. However, times have changed, the world has evolved, and many people no longer conform to what society considers the social norms. Even though little children are expected to perform their traditional gender roles, some do not continue this route as they get older. They start to change and develop their own unique personality which causes some to dress and behave similar to the opposite gender. Although, society might see these people as homosexuals, it is not always the case. Because people might perceive this type of behavior as abnormal and unacceptable, it may cause problems. People will stare. Others will taunt. Some will talk. But there are that few who will have hatred and may lead to violence. People have a right to express their individuality, others should have respect and accept people for who they are and should not judge those who are different just because they do not live up to society’s expectations of how males and females are suppose to act.
I need help with my thesis. Saying judging those who are different might be too broad but I'm not sure how to say it and what I should say. I need help.
1 answer
Think about those issues.
Lastly, are you homophobic? What importance does it matter if folks are judged to be homosexuals by appearance?
I would focus your thesis on the effect of appearance on cultural and why we tend to think ourselves are superior.