Can someone help me reword these two things? I don't like how I did them but I can't think of anything else. Thanks!!
1. PROMPT: What do you do to check whether a number is rational or irrational? In your explanation, use an example of an irrational and a rational number.
My answer that needs reworded: Any number that can be expressed as a fraction of the form a/b, where b is not equal to 0, is rational. A number that can't be expressed as a fraction in the form a/b is irrational.
Decimals which terminates is rational.
Decimals which repeats is rational.
Decimals which doesn't show any repeating decimals and which is never-ending is irrational.
5/8 - rational
2.252525... rational
5.878787.. rational
9.895043... irrational
pi - irrational
√5 or any square root of a number which isn't a perfect square is irrational.
√16 -- rational, but √17 -- irrational.
2. PROMPT: How does finding the square root of a number compare to finding the cube root of a number? Use the number 64 in your explanation.
My answer that needs reworded: To find the square root, you would want to find the number y as in y x y = 64. y = 8.
To find the cube root, you want to find the number z as in z x z x z = 64. z = 4.
If the root is not a perfect fit, then you have to use a numeric method to approximate the value.
Thanks loves!! <3
4 answers
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