can someone help me revise/edit my anthropology survey paper

Here is my paper attached to the question:
Sociology in general, is the study of societies and groups of people that have familiar backgrounds, interests, or institutions. Some examples of society are countries, parishes, communities, or any area that includes large residents. Sociology intertwines with similar subjects that deal with the study of humans and how events affect them such as, history, anthropology, physiology, finances, and political science. The survey conducted revolved around three main topics: social groups, collective behavior, and cultural influences as well as some miscellaneous information. Political science, how Bible believing Christians values influence politics, the historical records that scripture informs us about dealing with the different interactions and the groups of people in the Old Testament that sociologists have started studying today, and lastly, cultural anthropology which is the study a group of people and their culture, can influence a society.
The survey was conducted in a couple of ways. The individuals in this survey were interviewed but a few surveys’ had to be e-mailed. The people that were questioned were people from church, Bible study, and some teachers from the past. When conducting the surveys two methods were used which were statistics, meaning the information was converted into a data form. Selected sampling was another method that was used in this survey, which is a sample from groups of people that were different in age and background. Selected sampling tends to be more accurate than random sampling. The individuals who considered themselves Bible believing Christians were more likely to be a conservative in their beliefs. Every question that was asked got a reply. Before interviewing them, they were informed that they did not have to answer all the questions if they did not feel comfortable answering it. A sociologist cannot poll everyone’s opinion when he is conducting a survey. They go from a more general study such as studying an institution to the more specific such as surveying a handful of people from that institution.
What is a social group? A group in general is a set of citizens who come collectively with the same or familiar interests. A group that provides a public purpose or has been around for a period is an institution. An institution comprises of family, marriage, and education. The statistics showed that fifteen percent of the citizens did not get an education after high school, forty percent had one to four years as well as 5-9 years, and only five percent had ten to fourteen years of instructions. The average years of marriage were 28.7 years. The average number of extended relatives was 10.3. In the nuclear family, the average number of people living in the home was only 1.27. There are two groups within the social group and they are primary and secondary. Primary groups are those who are close to you, for example, family and churches would be listed under this category. The church is considered a primary group because Christians are part of the family of God. This group is important in order for our society to exist. The secondary group includes people that you work with. Fifty-five percent of the individuals worked in the profession field such as teaching, working for IBM, or being a Youth Pastor. Ten percent were blue-collar workers a factory worker for example, five percent were white-collar workers as well clerical workers, and fifteen percent did not have vocations or they were retired. Everyone falls under the primary and secondary group.
Cultures describe the way people from a society act and think. Culture in general is describing society’s language, intelligence, skills, beliefs, and values. It seems that religion influences people’s upbringing. Every person that participated in the interview was a Bible believing Christian. Christian’s viewpoint and principles should be different compared to the secular world.
Collective behavior refers to people’s behavior as a group instead of as an individual. This category also includes people’s opinions and viewpoints on certain issues. Collective performance can be an unorganized or a structured group. As the body of Christ, our collective behavior should exemplify Christ. I asked them if they considered themselves conservative, liberal, or moderate in their beliefs. Ninety percent of them said they were conservative, five percent were ultra-conservative, and five percent considered themselves moderate in their beliefs.
Here is some miscellaneous information that might be of interest. Another question that was asked was how long had they lived in North Carolina. The statistics are as following, thirty-five percent have live in here for at least one to twenty years and twenty -one to forty -one years. Twenty percent have lived in North Carolina for forty- two to sixty two and lastly ten percent have live here for over sixty-two years. Some folks were born and raised here. After asking them this question, I asked how long they have lived at their current address. The data showed that eighty percent have lived at their current address for at least one to twenty years and twenty percent have lived at their address for at least twenty-one to forty- one years.
The next random question that was asked was what types of cars they drove. After collecting the data, the information was organized by foreign, domestic, and luxuries cars. Thirty five percent of the individuals drove a foreign made car. Only thirty percent of the people drove domestic cars. Driving SUV’s was at twenty percent and lastly, the least percentage of the individuals that drove luxuries cars was fifteen percent.
Sociology does play an important for in the Christian life. We may not realize it but the family and the church can influence a society. This topic also helps individuals better understand what groups he belongs in and who they are as a believer. Sometimes you hear people say, I will never make a difference in other people’s lives, which is not true. As Christians, if you understand that you are called by God to do a mighty work then you will be able to make a difference in the lives of others and witness to them through your actions or the things you say. Our culture and society is influenced by Christian faith.

3 answers

I'll tackle one of the paragraphs.

The survey was conducted in a couple of ways. The individuals in this survey were interviewed<~~add comma but a few surveys’<~~This is a plural, not a possessive; the apostrophe is not needed. had to be e-mailed. The people that<~~people are "who" not "that" were questioned were people from church, Bible study, and some teachers from the past. When conducting the surveys two methods were used<~~insert a colon here and delete "which were"~~> which were statistics, meaning the information was converted into a data form.<~~delete period and insert semicolon; lower-case S here and delete "was another method that was used in this survey~~> Selected sampling was another method that was used in this survey, which is a sample from groups of people that were different in age and background. Selected sampling tends to be more accurate than random sampling. The individuals who considered themselves Bible believing<~~add hyphen between "Bible" and "believing" Christians were more likely to be a<~~delete "a" conservative in their beliefs. Every question that was asked got a reply. Before interviewing them,<~~who are "them" and "they"?~~> they were informed that they did not have to answer all the questions if they did not feel comfortable answering it<~~what is "it"?. A sociologist cannot poll everyone’s opinion when he is conducting a survey. They<~~who are "They"? go from a more general study such as studying an institution to the more specific such as surveying a handful of people from that institution.

Go through your entire paper and look for errors in the following:
commas & other punctuation
unclear or faulty pronoun reference

Go here to look up types of errors you need to fix:

Read your paper aloud -- ALOUD! -- to someone (or have someone read it aloud to you).
Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for your help.
I re-did my but I am still having problems with subject verb agreements and other grammar issues. I have posted a revised version here:

What is sociology and cultural anthropology? The sociology field involves investigating groups of individuals who influence a nation, state, or district. Cultural anthropology is the study of “cultures” that have been developed by individuals of specific groups. The study of traditions, languages, relationships, intelligence, standards, and opinions of a sect is cultural anthropology. Social groups, cultural influences, collective behavior, and population play an important role in the development of societies.
The individuals received e-mails or interviewed personally. The partakers came from church, Bible study, and teachers. This study has statistics and selected sampling incorporated into it. Selected sampling is an extensive overview of surveys, which include individuals from different backgrounds, ages, and experiences. Every question posed, received a response. If they did not feel comfortable with answering the questions then they did not have to. Sociologist cannot analysis everyone’s opinion when conducting his or her survey. They start with a general study of a specific subject and then, they break it farther down to a more specific region of the subject they are learning.
What are primary, secondary, and “institution” groups? Primary groups are people who are closest to you, such as family. Primary groups include nuclear and extended family. Fifty-five percent of individuals have one to ten relatives in their extended family. Forty percent have eleven to twenty-one members outside their nuclear family. Five percent had twenty-two or greater family members in their extended family. Forty percent of the nuclear family has adolescents living with them. Sixty percent did not have children living with them. Nuclear families consist mainly of adults. Ninety-five percent of the homes have one to two grownups living in it. Five percent have three adults living in the home. Did you know that churches are primary groups? Churches are primary groups because as believers, we are part of the family of God. Secondary groups are individuals who have an occupation. Secondary group are important to society because these people help our nation, state, and counties function. Fifty five percent of the citizens work in a profession field. The people in the profession field had careers such as teaching, ministering, and working at IBM. Ten percent are blue -collar workers. Five percent are white-collar employees and five percent are clerical workers. Lastly, fifteen percent of the people did not have a vocation. An institution includes marriage and education. The statistics showed that fifteen percent of the citizens did not receive an education after high school. On the other hand, forty percent did receive one to four and five to nine years of education beyond high school. There was only five percent who received an education of ten years or greater after high school. The matrimony years fluctuated significantly. Ten percent of the people are not married. Twenty- five percent have been married for one to twenty years. The highest percentage of marriage years fell at twenty-one to forty-one years at forty-five percent. Fifteen percent of the people have been married for fifty years. Five percent did not put how long they have been married.
Religion influences cultures and societies in numerous ways. Everyone who participated is a Bible-believing Christian. Of the twenty people questioned, three of them did not live in a Christian home. These three are Jewish. At home, they practiced Judaism and they lived in a Jewish community. Out of the three, two of them became believers when they were young adults. One Jewish individual became a believer when he was an adolescent.
Another topic, which is noteworthy for sociologists to learn about, is people's dwelling places. Another question that was asked was, how long have you resided in North Carolina and at your current address? The information accumulated showed thirty –five percent of the citizens have resided in North Carolina for one to twenty years as well as twenty-one to forty-one years. Twenty percent lived in North Carolina for forty-two to sixty-two years. Lastly, ten percent resided in this state for over sixty-three years. Some people were born and raised here. Eighty percent have resided at their present home for one to twenty years. Twenty percent have lived at their present address for twenty-one to forty-one years.
Collective behavior refers to how citizens conduct themselves at a gathering, rather than as an individual. This category includes citizens’ perspectives on particular problems. Collective groups can be structured or unorganized. As the body of Christ, our collective performance ought to exemplify Christ. People who consider themselves Bible-believing Christians tend to be conservative in their ideas. Participates were asked if they consider themselves conservative, moderate, or liberal in their thinking. The figures show that five percent are ultra-conservative as well as moderate in their values. Ninety percent consider themselves conservative in their viewpoints. Ideology and ethics for Bible-believing Christians should be different compared to the secular world.
As Christians, we may not recognize it, but we do have an influence on our civilization. Entities are constantly observing how we conduct ourselves. Our nation, whether it is in government or communities, has had some sort of Christian influence in it. Social groups, cultural influences, collective behavior, and the populace do influence societies.