Can someone help me identify the poetic devices? I only have a few
The Wishing Bone
By: Stephen Mitchell
It happened on a winter’s day
(The air was cold, the sky was gray):
Out walking in the woods alone,
I came upon a wishing bone.
I picked it up and wished the sky
As warm and gentle as July.
I wished sweet music in the air
And flowers growing everywhere .
I wished an apple orchard and
A beach with sugar flavored sand.
A lake, a little birch canoe.
And everything I wished came true.
I wished down tinier than a flea,
Wished up above the tallest tree,
I wished me as a wolf, a shark,
,A firefly shining in the dark,
A blade of grass, an ocean wave,
A beear asleep inside its cave,
I wished a talking daffodil
I wished a dragon I could kill.
I wished a flock of purple geese.
I wished the world eternal peace.
I wished a pair if angel wings,
And then a thousand other things.
But after many days had passed,
Each wish seemed easier than the last,
And I felt bored as stiff as stone.
And wished the wishing off the bone.
And suddenly I stood at ease
Among the bare and patient trees
One ordinary winter’s day.
The air was cold. The sky was gray.
1 answer
Go here and look up different devices to see if you're right.
I can start you out with the obvious:
~ rhyme scheme
~ motif
What else do you find?