Can someone help me correct my work or help me answer the question.

The question is:
How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both black and white america today?explain your answer.

My answer:
What i think is that by having slavery it made the whites seem that they were the ones more powerful than the blacks back then and till today we still have a problem with racism and dealing with glass walls,glass ceillings, and glass escalators at jobs. To me everyone is the same and by having someone under someone else it sure brings out a lot of problems in life. I know that there should be someone in charge but those who are shouldn't treat their employees badly just because they are lower then them. Humans need to realize that by still having these issues this world will never really be calm of all vandilism.

Nonsense, you did not answer the question. You started to answer the white part in the first sentence, then wandered. Reread the question.

I just don't know how to answer it that's why i'm asking for help. Is there any way that you can help me understand and answer this question.

Reread the question, and make certain your answer addresses that question.

"The question is:
How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both black and white america today?explain your answer."

How is "white America" portrayed today? What is the stereotype or reality of "black America" today? How did these come about?

Be sure to give lots of specifics.

The question doesn't ask your opinion about whether or not racism should exist. It simply asks what exists today that directly resulted from the slavery era in our country.

Here are some sources of information that might be helpful to you:

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

I think that slavery has had a terrible effect on both societies. It has hindered the evolution of both races. In my opinion, it has given most blacks the feeling like they are owed something. Most whites have such a great feeling of guilt that they just allow the blacks to act out. All of us black or white, were immigrants to this country and even a number of whites were brought here as indentured servants or sent here as outcasts. What gives the younger generations of blacks the feeling that they should have everything handed to them? They were not slaves.
I have traveled to every one of the lower 48 states and Alaska. In the south I have interacted with older generations of blacks and they are hard working and very respectful. I have many black friends from the West coast to the East coast and they are ashamed of the way that the majority of their race acts now. Most intelligent blacks that have a true desire to become more are disgraced by the actions of the majority of their race. The majority of racism occurring today is a direct result of the blacks own actions. I admit there are still pockets of whites out there that are and probably always will be racist. Just as there are and probably always will be blacks that are racist towards the whites.
The majority of the white population is not racist towards blacks. They do have a feeling of walking on egg shells though. The younger generation of blacks just takes what they want instead of earning it. Because of the actions of their own race, they have a barrier to overcome. Instead of working hard to overcome that barrier they want to bypass it. That leaves the barrier in place to inhibit the blacks that are really trying to do something. I admire and respect the blacks that are out there working hard to make it. I loathe and despise the ones that think that they are entitled to whatever they want and just take it. It seems as though there are more blacks wanting to better themselves. On the other hand there are also more blacks that think they deserve whatever they want. There is no grey area anymore. In my opinion, the recent generations of blacks are splitting in two directions. One half that wants to achieve more and better themselves and are willing to work for it. The other half that wants to achieve more and have wealth but think they are entitled to it and want it handed to them without having to work for it.
In conclusion, I think that the effect of slavery on the evolution of both races has been devastating. The wedge it has driven between us is a difficult obstruction to navigate and overcome. If we had never had slavery and both races could have worked together without it hanging over our heads, we could have achieved so much more.

How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both Black and White America today?

how do yu think slavery influenced the evolution of both black and white america today?

Read Chapters 7, 8, and 11 in Racial and Ethnic Groups. The answers to the questions are in there.

Do your own AXIA work.

How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both Black and White America today? Explain your answer.

9 answers

You need to answer your own questions and stop cheating on your homework. I am your instructor and I know what you have been doing.
whoever answered the last question is whack..You are wrong, and if you are not black I don't feel you can really answer this question, especially about african americans.
thank you
Point said.. You used whack, you should read again..
You sit there and complain that blacks just want things handed to them...Well I am sorry to say that so do whites....You name me any group of people that do not act the exact same way, and I will take back all that I have to say. It is not just black or white that want things handed to them...It is this GENERATION!! Not one child from this generation thinks that they have to work to get ahead. And that has nothing to do with skin color...People like you, making statements like that are the reason we have racial issues to this day.
You go girl! Your absolutely right; it's the generation not race.
There is only ONE race! The HUMAN race! So why don't you stop bickering back and forth over the nonsense of physical appearances and grow up.
It's not this generation that got us into this problem. Is it??? Children are taught from their elders. People need to blame only their selves.
It is the generation, people learn of racist from their forefathers. I believe that all of you do not understand the question and need to take a better look. Its not telling you to talk about race its asking what has influenced the current America from Slavery.... THATS ALL. So, let see what has evolved from that string. For one, it has allowed black to further their education as they where not allowed when slavery existed. A slave could not learn to read or write. There was no inter racial marriage nor were their many inter racial couples... when there where the people would be dis owned on both sides. A black man would be beatened to death just because he talked to a white woman. So, we need to talk about what has come from it not cause more... gosh