Can someone give their opinion about the beginning of my speech?

"A few short days ago, my mother and I left our house to journey to the local grocery store. While my mother veered onto the highway, I quickly glanced over at the side of the road, only for my attention to captured immediately. Where there had once been the side of one of the many grassy, tree-dotted hills was now nothing. There were no trees, no grass, only a deep trench where an expansion of the road would be built.
Hello, my name is Victoria Avila, and I wish to speak about deforestation and its impact upon the earth. "

1 answer

DON'T start any speech or paper's first draft by writing the introduction! How can you introduce something you haven't written yet?

Follow the writing process, whatever you're writing:

Prewriting: Brainstorm, research, plan, outline, thesis statement

Writing: Write first draft by starting with section II of your outline; write the introduction after the body of the paper is written; write the conclusion last.

Polishing: Revise, concentrating first on the body of the paper, then the intro, then the concl (revision = making sure ideas are logical and sequential and support your thesis); proofread (spelling, grammar, usage, etc.)

Do you have a thesis yet? Have you done your brainstorming (and maybe research) yet? Have you written an outline?
Click on Step by Step for the process. Click on Info Search for help with researching.
Check in the Essay & Research Paper Level.

Let us know.