Can someone give the answer to Earth's Changing Surface Unit Test. I need to check answers. Give the answer with the words, not like A,B,C, or D, ok?

15 answers

Dont be cheating on connexus tests. We can track when you open another tab during tests so for all of you searching for the answer, Expect a call from your counciler.
riiiiiiiiiight like yall help us anyway all yall do is sit back and be lazy
First spell Counselor right. Then pretend to be a teacher.
And also, words are not capitalized after a comma. Except, I.
Pls just give answers or at least try to help
plz im failing
I Wrote Down The Answers From The Study Guide She Gave Us But, It Doesn't Have The Same Questions :(
I Promise I'll Post The Answers When I'm Done
1. an earthquake
2. volcanoes and mountains
3. andes mountains
4. at the edges of tectonic plates
5. Northwest
6.a type of physical weathering that ocurs due to tempature changes.
7.Yes as it effects particle size and soil composition
8.they prevent soil from eroding and becoming lost etc
9.there is a thin layer of topsoil in tropical rain forest
10.chemical weathering forms new substance while physical wearthing does not
11.the sedimentary rock type etc
12.the auqifer has slowy become dry over time.
13,14 And 15 You Have To Do On Your Own
Good Luck I Believe In You Guys!
Lia is right! Yay thx
You can't monitor out tabs and if you are we will have some problems
To the so called “Connexus Teacher”, just give up and accept the fact that there are going to be students that cheat. And if you really are a Connexus teacher, then maybe make things easier if you don’t want your students to cheat.
Hi @Connexus Teacher! Just letting you know, Some students have brains and bought there own computer, and some of us also use brave browser and other blockers the block any type of tracker you can think of that can be put into or installed into a computer, Thank you.