Can someone give me websites about my thesis statement listed below or refine my thesis.

The Russian Invasion of Afghanistan was a long, unecssary war that brought Russia to withdraw its troops in Afghanistan.

8 answers

The statement makes no sense.

An invasion is not a war.
An invasion did not bring a withdrawal of troops.
Hows this ?

The Soviet-Afghan War was a long, unessary war that brought many countries to rebel against russia.

What would be a good thesis statement about the Soviet-afghan war Ms.sue
That's much better. But I didn't know many countries rebelled against Russia as a result of this war. Are you sure?
What do you want to say about this war?

Apparently the bit about countries rebelling against Russia is not true.

Please do some research before you try again.
I want to say this was a long unnecessary war but i need one more topic what would be urs Ms.Sue. I ran out of ideas
My answer: follow my instructions.
Do some research about this war.
Can i say it let to the rise of the Taliban?
led i mean