Can someone explain what this paragraph is talking about? I do not understand it.
"But Western universalism, again, has two faces: it also promotes the principles of liberty and equality throughout the world. It is not possible to proclaim global human rights, on the one hand, and to have a Muslim, African, Jewish, Christian, or Asian charter of human rights, on the other hand. To respect the otherness and the history of others, one must consider them as members of the same humanity, not of another, second-class humanity. Human rights infringe the local right to wall off cultures from external pressure or assault. Respect for traditions that violate human rights is taken by Western universalism as tantamount to disrespect for their victims. The dilemmas that stem from this attitude are not easily resolved. Raising questions of global responsibility leads to accusations(and to the temptation) of colonialism."
3 answers
It is not possible to proclaim global human rights, on the one hand, and to have a Muslim, African, Jewish, Christian, or Asian charter of human rights, on the other hand.
This sentence is saying that there cannot be "universal" (global) human rights, if there are also separate human rights standards for individual cultures. Having separate standards implies that the concept of human rights is different for each of those cultures.
With those two ideas in mind, the rest should make sense to you.