Can someone explain the correct way to use quotes in an essay? I wat to specifically use a quote as my first line in my intro (I have never done that before but my teacher wants an interesting beginning) but how would I do that correctly? Could someone write an example? It would help me out a lot.

2 answers

i would say a line or two..then incorporate a quote, you just just use these " ", you can italize it if you want to but you don't have to

blah blah blah blah. "This is the Quote" Kristen Showmaker. blah blah blah
You can do one or two things to begin an introduction with a quotation, depending on how long the quotation is. If it's relatively short (no more than three lines, for example), just incorporate the quotation in the first sentence with the use of quotation marks. It it's longer than three lines, then indent it and do not use quotations. (See the Long Quotations section in the link below.) In both cases, though, you need to give the reference, of course.

This site has some good explanations and illustrations:
