can someone edit my body paragraph thanks :

The senate has important jobs that not many people know about. One of them is to disapprove or approve any piece of government legislation; with the help of the House of Commons. As well the senates investigate political and social issues that Canada faces. Over the past years the senates have investigated poverty, aging, unemployment, the mass media, science policy, land use, national defense, Canadian-American relations, constitutional affairs, the decriminalization of marijuana, health care system and much more. As well the senates offer a voice to the provinces. So if someone says that senate’s have no real job then they should investigate and find the truth, because without the senate’s the government would not be what it has become today.

The senateShould the S be capitalized?? has important jobs that not many people know about. One of these tasks is to disapprove or approve any piece<~~do you mean "all pieces"? of government legislation;<~~use comma, not semicolon with the help of the House of Commons. As well<~~add comma the senates<~~There are more than one?? investigate political and social issues that Canada faces. Over the past years<~~add comma the senates have investigated poverty, aging, unemployment, the mass media, science policy, land use, national defense, Canadian-American relations, constitutional affairs, the decriminalization of marijuana, health care system<~~add comma and much more. As well<~~think of different phrasing; you've used "as well" above the senates offer a voice to the provinces. So<~~do not start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction; find a transitional word, or attach this to the previous sentence if someone says that senate’s<~~delete the apostrophe have no real job<~~add comma then they should investigate and find the truth,<~~delete comma because without the senate’s<~~?? the government would not be what it has become today.