Sound - The science of waves, how they travel, how we use them
Feb 20, 2019 - An easy-to-understand introduction to the science of sound: what is sound, how ... If you bang a drum, you make the tight skin vibrate at very high speed (it's ... As the air moves, it carries energy out from the drum in all directions. .... You can reflect a sound wave off something the same way light will reflect off ...
Longitudinal and Transverse Wave Motion
Mechanical Waves are waves which propagate through a material medium (solid, liquid, ... version of the Mathematica® Notebook " Sound Waves" by Mats Bengtsson. ... In a longitudinal wave the particle displacement is parallel to the direction of ... The animation also identifies the regions of compression and rarefaction.
Can someone describe how a sound wave travels through a medium to create sound. Can you also provide a descriptions of vibrations, longitudinal waves, compressions, rarefactions, and direction of movement in your response. That way I could understand it better. Thanks.
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