Can someone define it for me
A theist believes in a theology of some sort, non-theists do not.
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Since you've received such crappy answers from these so-called tutors, I think I'll pitch in and help you out Kailin. I'm actually a theology student, so I know a bit about this subject...
In popular speech, a nontheist is often thought of as an atheist, but the terms are not equivalent. An atheist is one who denies the existence of God. A nontheist, but contrast, is one who is not directly concerned with the question of God's existence. The nontheist may, in fact, hold to a type of theology or spirituality - however, it is not a spirituality that includes belief in a deity. The classic example of a nontheist would be Buddha. Buddha was not an atheist, but his belief system did not include any specific deity.
1 answer
A nontheist believes there are no gods. It is a positive thing, whereas atheism is more of a negative thing.