can someone correct this for me please.
on buddhism
the questions are:
Country of origin:
my answer: north east indian
Historical figures and events:
My answer: the founder of buddhism -Siddhartha Gautana(the buddha)
Central Believes:
my answer:
*the three jewels(believe in buddha, dhama, and the sangha)
*Nirvana/na (reincarnation)
*the four noble truths to the enlightment
nature of god:
My answer: they don't believe in god
My answer: tripitaka
Ritual and practice(sacred elememts amd their meaning)
My answer:
*sila,samahi, prajna
*the four noble truths
*the eightfold paths(panna, sila , samdhi)
ethics and morality
My answer:
there are 5 morals rule to live by-
*do not kill
*do not steal
*do not lie
*do not consume alcohol or other durgs
*abstain from sexual misconduct and sexsual over indulgence
Good answers, Kailin!
Can you help me please?
Jessica -- please start a new thread by clicking Post a New Question.
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