Can someone check these?
1. What device, developed in 1970, is able to make images of individual atoms?
1. The X-ray crystallographer
2. The laser
3. The Brownian motion detector
4. The scanning electron microscope
My answer: 4
2. Which of the following is smallest?
1. Proton
2. Electron
3. Nucleus
4. Atom
3. The chemical formula for human insulin is C257H383N65O77S6. How many atoms of Nitrogen does it contain?
1. 65
2. 77
3. 257
4. 383
My answer: 65
4. Copernicus proposed his theory because it fit Tycho Brahe's data concerning planetary positions, whereas Ptolemy's theory did not fit Brahe's data.
5. According to the sun-centered viewpoint of Copernicus, why does the sun appear to rise in the east and set in the west?
1. The earth orbits the sun once a day from west to east, so the sun appears in the east and disappears in the west.
2. The sun spins on its axis once a day from east to west and so it appears in the east and disappears in the west.
3. The sun orbits the earth once a day from west to east and so it appears in the east and disappears in the west.
4. he earth spins on its axis once a day from west to east and so the sun appears in the east and disappears in the west.
My answer:2
6. Our Milky Way galaxy contains perhaps 400 billion stars. Suppose that 0.05% (i.e., 0.000 5) of these stars have planetary systems containing at least one Earthlike planet (one that could conceivably support Earthlike life). Express this number in words (thousands or millions, etc.).
1. 20 billion
2. 20
3. 200 million
4. 20 thousand
my answer: 3?
7. The ancient Greeks noted that the planets moved in step with the stars, without changing their positions among the stars.
I thinks its false
8. Darwin's principles of biological evolution are just a theory. This means that evolution is
1. easily proven wrong by pointing out some simple observations or flaws in the scientific method.
2. an idea that was invented in order to oppose creationism.
3. an educated guess or hypothesis.
4. an explanation for what is observed based on overwhelming evidence.
my asnwer: 3
9. From the fact that the carbon atom is 12 times heavier than the hydrogen atom, we can conclude that the weight ratio of carbon to hydrogen in the formation of methane (CH4) is 4 to 1.
I think its true
10. Wolfgang Pauli, a famous physicist of the twentieth century, is credited with saying of an idea that, "it is not even wrong!" Which of the following statements is most likely to be what he meant?
1. The idea was untested and scientific.
2. The idea was correct and thus scientific.
3. The idea was testable and non-scientific.
4. The idea was untestable and non-scientific.
I think 2
Numbers 2,5, 8 9, 10. are wrong.
Number 7 is confusing in the statement, so much so, I cant decipter. "moved in step with the stars, without changing their positions among the stars" is a very confusing and ambigious statement.